DevKit > How to create a Voice Pack?

How to create a Voice Pack?

In the [Good Moaning] Items, sounds are split in 13 categories:

That said, not all categories are needed for all Good Moaning Products. For example, if you want to create a Voice Pack for the Ass Rubber and nothing else, you only need the categories moan1 and shout. moan1 sounds will be triggered when you get rubbed, while shout sounds will be triggered when you get slapped. Oppositely, if you make a Voice Pack for the Custom Voice Hud, then you should record sounds for all categories.

Of course, if you want your Voice Pack to work with ALL Good Moaning items, you should record sounds for all the categories.

Actually, no category is never strictly required. But if you don't record sounds for a category, the Sound Player will just keep silent when time will come to play this category. For example, if the Ass Rubber plays a Voice Pack that has no sound for the "shout" category, then it will just keep silent when the user gets slapped.

The first thing you have to do is to know for what categories you have to record sounds. Please refer to the table below:

moan0 moan1 moan2 moan3 moan4 moan5 moan6 suck throat gag painful shout say
Ass Rubber,
Boobs Rubber,
Pussy Rubber,
Face Rubber,
Custom Voice Hud
Hair Puller
Arousal System
Cock Rubber
Earthquake Sofa,
Cataclysmic Bed,
Tsunami Shower
Sex Sound Plugins
for Ruckus Bed,
Ruckus Couch,
Ruckus Shower,
Rawage Chill Bed,
Darkfold Armchair

The say category

This category is a bit particular. It is made of 31 sexy sentences. You can record any sentence you want, but you should follow these 2 rules:

How many sounds by category?

First, you have to understand that 1 sound = 1 file. You won't record a file that contains several moans in a row. Instead, you will record 1 sound for each moan.

You can make up to 48 sounds for each category. 1 moan = 1 file.

An exception is the say category: this one is limited to 31 sexy sentences.

Record the sounds and upload them to Second Life

I won't explain how to record and upload sounds to SL, since it is not specific to Good Moaning. Please refer to . I recommend to use Audacity for recording your sounds. Please do not ask me for support about recording/uploading sounds. I am happy to help about anything related to Voice Pack Making and Good Moaning items, but my time is limited so i cannot offer some technical support about general technical aspect of Second Life.

And remember again: 1 moan = 1 file! Do not record several moans in a row in a single file.

Rename your sounds

Your sounds must follow this naming convention:


For example, let's suppose that you are creating a Voice Pack for the Ass Rubber. Ass Rubber requires sounds for categories moan1 and shout. Let's suppose that you have recorded 3 sounds for each category. After renaming your sounds, you will have something like:


Create the notecard

As explained in the previous section, a Voice Pack is a notecard. But you won't create this notecard yourself. Instead, you will use the Voice Pack Maker (which is part of the DevKit).

You must be the uploader of the sounds. If you are not the uploader, then the sounds must be full perms. It won't work otherwise.

Your Voice Pack is done! You can rename your notecard with whatever name you want.

Want to modify your voice pack?

You can NOT edit the notecard, because sounds uuids are encrypted and you have no way to encrypt them yourself. If you want to modify it, you have to redo the whole process. That's why i recommend to keep a copy of the voice pack maker with yours sounds in: if you want to change a sound, just change it in the voice pack maker and do the process.

Also, very important: in Second Life, each time you modify the content of a notecard, the notecard UUID is changing! Which means that if you modify the content of your voicepack notecard, you also have to write its new UUID in the VOICES notecard of the Hud.

Technically in Second Life, each time you modify a Notecard, it is exactly like if you were creating a new one, and Second Life keeps the previous version in their database. So if you just modify your voicepack notecard but forget to change the uuid in the VOICES notecard of the Hud, your rubbers will keep playing the sounds of the previous version of your voicepack. Please keep this in mind, especially if you share/sell your voicepack uuid.