Good Moaning Tools > Live Cock API

Live Cock API

This documentation is about how to interact with the Live Cock from your own scripts. If you are looking for integrating the Live Cock into your sex furniture, you don't need this. What you need instead is to use the AVsitter plugin for Good Moaning Live Cock, that you can get for 1 linden on the marketplace: [Good Moaning] AVsitter Plugin for Good Moaning Live Cock

Output messages

Output messages are sent by the Live Cock on channel 1488294328. These messages are sent with the llWhisper function, which means they can be heard by any object within a 10 meters radius around the person wearing the Cock.

For example, rez a prim and drop this script in, then play some commands with the HUD of the Live Cock:

        llListen(1488294328, "", "", "");

    listen(integer channel, string name, key uuid, string message)
        key agent = llGetOwnerKey(uuid);
        string agentName = llKey2Name(agent);
        llSay(PUBLIC_CHANNEL, agentName + ":" + message);

List of output messages

Some notifications contain just one event, for example Cum and Pee.
But most of the notifications contain an event and a value. For example: Drip 1 means that the cock is starting to drip, while Drip 0 means that the cock is stopping dripping.

Input Messages

Input messages are commands that you send from your own object to your Live Cock. You send them on channel 1488294327.

In order to be accepted by the Live Cock, the object that sends the message must either:

Most of the time, the best way to send a command is to use the llRegionSayTo function and target the avatar. Indeed, messages sent to an avatar with llRegionSayTo are heard by all the attachments of this avatar, so their Live Cock will hear it. For example, drop this script in a prim and run it to make your cock cum:

        llRegionSayTo(llGetOwner(), 1488294327, "Cum");

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