DevKit > Use your Voice Pack in the Custom Voice Hud

Use your Voice Pack in the Custom Voice Hud

To use your Voice Pack in a Voice Hud, you need the Custom Voice Hud, which is a specific item. The Custom Voice Hud is an "empty" Hud with no sounds by default, in which you can add your Voice Pack.

You can purchase the Custom Voice Hud on the Marketplace: [Good Moaning] Custom Voice Hud .

How to use your Voice Pack in the Custom Voice Hud

First, get the UUID of your Voice Pack notecard. To get the uuid of your notecard, right click it in your inventory then click Copy Asset UUID. Then:

All done! The Custom Voice Hud now uses your Voice Pack. And you can change the UUID as many times as you want, to use other Voice Packs, or different versions of your Voice Pack. You can make several copies of the Custom, each with a specific Voice Pack.

Edit the Sexy Sentences Menu

This menu appears when the user clicks the "Say" button of the Voice Hud. You probably want that this menu matches the sexy sentences that you have recorded.

To do so: open the Hud Content (Right click > Edit > Content Tab) and edit the "SAY" Notecard.

Tip: rename and make several versions of the Custom Voice Hud

When you're happy with your Voice Pack and that you have successfully integrated it to the Voice Hud, I recommend you to rename the Custom Voice Hud to have it renamed your voice name, for example "[Good Moaning] Voice Hud SAMANTHA". Furthermore, the Custom Voice Hud is copyable, so you can make many versions, each one with a specific Voice Pack.

Can you share your Voice Hud with friends or sell it?

It is not possible to share or sell the Custom Voice Hud. It is no transfer.

But your friends can purchase a Custom Voice Hud, and you can give them the UUID of your Voice Pack. This way, they will be able to use the Custom Voice Hud with your voice.