DevKit > Use your Voice Pack in the Rubbers

Use your Voice Pack in the Ass Rubber, Boobs Rubber, Pussy Rubber and Face Rubber

In the Ass Rubber, Boobs Rubber, Pussy Rubber and Face Rubber, everything happens in the Hud. So you just have to add your Voice Pack in the Hud, and your voice will be available for the 4 rubbers.

First, get the UUID of your notecard. To get the uuid of your notecard, right click it in your inventory then click Copy Asset UUID.

Open the HUD of the Rubbers (Right click the Hud > Edit > Content Tab). In this Hud is a notecard named VOICES. Edit it and add 2 lines with the name of your voice then its UUID. For example:


Click Save to save your edit. From now, your voicepack will appear as a possible choice in the voice menu of the HUD. You can keep your voicepack notecard in your inventory, it doesn't have to go in the HUD. You can even trash the notecard (but there is no reason to do so): Second Life keeps all notecards in their database forever even after they are trashed, so your voicepack will work forever in any Good Moaning Rubber.

Want to share or sell your Voice Pack?

You will never have to give or sell your voicepack notecard. Actually, you will just give or sell the UUID of your voicepak notecard.

To share your voicepack with friends, just give them the UUID of your voicepack with the same instructions that you followed for your own Hud. For example, write these instructions in a notecard and give them to your friends or customers:

To use the SAMANTHA voicepack:
1/ Wear the [Good Moaning] Rubbers HUD
2/ Open the Hud (Right click the Hud > Edit > Content Tab)
3/ In the Content Tab is a notecard named "VOICES"
4/ Open the VOICES notecard and add these two lines:


Click Save to save your edit. All done! The SAMANTHA voice will now appear as a possible choice in the voice menu of the Rubbers Hud.