DevKit > Use your Voice Pack in a Good Moaning Sex Furniture (Sofa, Bed, Tub, Carpet, etc)

Use your Voice Pack in a Good Moaning Sex Furniture (Sofa, Bed, Tub, Carpet, etc)

Please make sure that your item is up-to-date! This documentation assumes that you use the latest version of:

The VOICES Notecard

I will explain the process for the Earthquake Sofa, but it is exactly the same for the Sex Bed, the Sex Tub and the Flying Sex Carpet.

First, get the UUID of your Voice Pack notecard. To get the UUID of your Voice Pack notecard, right click it in your inventory then click Copy Asset UUID.

Now, right-click the Earthquake Sofa and tick "Edit" to open the Edit Window. In the Edit Window, go to the Content Tab. Wait a moment while the Content Tab is loading, this can take more than one minute. After the Content Tab has loaded, locate the VOICES notecard. Double click to open it. Then add 2 lines at the end: the name of your voice, which can be whatever you want, and the UUID. For example, you will add something like:


Now save the VOICES notecard and close it. All done! If you sit on the furniture and go to the [SOUND] menu, you should now see your own voice as a possible choice.