Good Moaning Tools > About PBR and Reflection Probes

About PBR and Reflection Probes

How to take advantage of PBR

PBR is very nice, but it requires two things: a good EEP and some Reflection Probes.

About EEP

EEP are what residents use to call "windlights", or "environments", or, to use the official name: "Settings". Since the move to PBR, the EEPs have to be changed a little bit to take profit of PBR.

A good starting point to make an EEP that will work well with PBR is to set Reflection Probe Ambiance to 1 and HDR Scale to 1:

About Reflection Probes

But EEP is not enough. Another very important thing are the Reflection Probes. When you are inside a home, by default, the lighting system just totally ignores the inside of the home, so your PBR objects will just reflect the sky. This gives PBR objects this strange blue tint. To avoid this: set up some Reflection Probes!

Here is a very full documentation about Probes: Reflection probes and You

And here is a short video that explains the basics:

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