DevKit > How to add/remove/mix/merge/change animations of your furniture

How to add/remove/mix/merge/change animations of your furniture

This documentation concerns the following items:

Good Moaning furniture uses the AVsitter engine. AVsitter is a posing system to play animations, massively used all over Second Life. I will not give any instruction about how to use AVsitter, because there is already a very good online documentation. Good Moaning is NOT affiliated with AVsitter.

Get AVsitter on the Marketplace:
AVsitter documentation:

The rest of this documentation assumes that you have a basic knolwedge of AVsitter.

Where are the HELPERS sticks? (aka: the Adjusting Sticks)

HELPERS are colored sticks that appear on the furniture and help you to adjust the poses. Before the 7th of March 2023, I didn't put the Helpers in my items. If you bought the Cataclysmic Bed or the Earthquake Sofa before the 7th of March 2023, please get a redelivery, this way your furniture will come with the Helpers.

Specificity of the Good Moaning animations

As you probably noticed, Good Moaning furniture animates bodies but also faces and boobs (and even the butt in the Tsunami Shower). Face animations are called "Facial animations" and Boobs / Butt animations are called "Physics animations". Furthermore, both Facial and Physics animations can be disabled/enabled in the menu. On the top of that, the resynchronization system insures that all the anims play in synchronization. All this is handled by a complex custom plugin named Good Moaning Controller. This is also the reason why mixing Good Moaning animations from different pieces of furniture is a bit more complicated than usual.

This means that each Good Moaning animation is actually composed of 3 animations for female avatars: the body, the face, the physics. Male animations are composed of 2 animations: the body and the face.

For example, let's take the "Dog hard" pose of the Earthquake Sofa. The 5 following animations are played by this pose:

All animations are named the same way:

Where are the Facial and Physics animations?

The rest of this paragraph assumes that you know that in Second Life, an object is made of different sub-objects named "links". Each link has a name, a number and its own content. If you don't know what is a link, please refer to

If you look into the Content of a Good Moaning piece of furniture, you will only see animations ending by letter B, which means body. You won't see Facial and Physics animations, whose name ends by F (for Face) or P (for Physics).

This is because these anims are in another link of the furniture. If you go through the links of a Good Moaning furniture, you will figure out that the second link is always named "Controller" and contains a lot of animations. All facial and physics animations are in this link. It also contains a duplicate of the body animations. Yes, body animations (the ones whose name end by the letter B), are always in both the root link and the Controller link.

To summarize, let's take our previous example of the "Dog hard" pose of the Earthquake Sofa. In the root link of the Sofa, you will find:

And in the Controller link of the Sofa, you will find:

How to include some animations from other stores?

Including animations made by other creators (NOT Good Moaning) is very straightforward, as you won't have to take care about facial and physics. Just follow the normal AVsitter process: include the animations, create a new POSE or SYNC, etc... I won't explain more here, as this is not specific to Good Moaning. Just make sure to enable the HELPERS as explained in the first paragraph of this page.

How to move the animations into another piece of furniture?

Let's suppose that you want to move animations from furniture A into furniture B. A is a Good Moaning furniture, and B is whole different empty furniture coming from another store. (if furniture B is another Good Moaning furniture, then jump to the next section)

How to include some Good Moaning animations from a Good Moaning furniture into another Good Moaning furniture?

Let's suppose that you own both the Earthquake Sofa and the Cataclysmic Bed. You like the "Passionate" pose of the Earthquake Sofa and want to include it into the Cataclysmic Bed.

If you have understood what was said previously, you already know everything: you will have to drop the animations GM.ES-Passionate-0.B and GM.ES-Passionate-1.B into the root link of the Bed, and the 5 animations GM.ES-Passionate-0.B, GM.ES-Passionate-0.F, GM.ES-Passionate-0.P, GM.ES-Passionate-1.B and GM.ES-Passionate-1.F into the Controller link of the Bed.

After including the new anims, just process as described in the AVsitter documentation.

After including the anims, you don't have to take care anymore about physics and facial animations: they will be entirely handled by the Good Moaning Controller script. In the AVpos notecard, there is NOTHING to write about facial and physics.